Take the Scenic Route

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Seventy Dollar

So it's been a while. A very busy while.
Doubtless there's an argument that I should write something thought-provoking.
Instead, I'm going to whine about the exchange rate, but also be thankful for driving an economical car. I put $70.07 worth of petrol in my car tonight, something I've never done before. I remember, once, back in the good old days thinking that even if it was right empty, I'd never get $50 in.

Pretty weird times. And also weird because over the last while I think we've got used to things always getting cheaper. But I think that time might be over. Pity the fool that dreamed up the whare's Price Rollback marketing strategy. Rolling the price back up won't seem so fun, although perhaps they won't advertise that the same.

Anyway, a picture paints a thousand words. The exchange rate dropped pretty steadily for four odd years, then climbed for a while, screwed round last year, and is not on the wrong side of the lines...


At Tue Apr 04, 03:58:00 PM GMT+12, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Which presumably means that it's a good time to earn US dollars. Just a pity about the fucking Americans over here....


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