A hole where the Snow should have been
I'm not sure when I last went for a whole season without skiing at all. It may be that it might have happened once during my time as a poor undergraduate, or it may go back pre-high school, when I hadn't really got into it yet. Occasionally, over the last few winters I have contemplated not going, because it seemed like such an effort, but having finally got round to it, I've been so glad that I did. It really is an experience like nothing else.
This year has been a bit different. Been knocked around a bit healthwise (in fact my jaw is still allegedly "fragile"), and it must just about have been the crappest season ever. I can remember some skinny years, but they'd usually be a monster dump in late august or something. But it seems not so this year.
I intend for this year to be little more than a brief aberration, and I'd like to see anyone try to stop me next year.
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