Take the Scenic Route

Monday, January 31, 2005

Olfactory Overload

Dunedin is a city of smells. The warm chocolate scented air wafting over the countdown carpark late on a frosty winter's night, the salt smell of a biting easterly whipping off the harbour, or the rotting rubbish, beer, and charcoal smell of Castle Street...
Cadbury's is cleary a favoured smell, and can provide a lift to an otherwise dreary day, or elicit a sense of excitement and vibrancy on a sunny day.
Then there is the smell that I hate most. Ironically it's a coffee smell, but it's the worst coffee smell in the world. Not the smell of freshly roasted and ground arabic beans, or perfectly extracted espresso. No. I work within a couple of blocks of Cerebos Greggs instant coffee plant. A horribly strong vile-smelling essence of awful coffee. Far, far worse than anything I associate with instant coffee. I'd secretly like to think that the smell is the result of the decaffeination process, where they're stealing all the xanthene goodness from the robusta beans, ready to give mountain dew or no-doze or V it's edge. Whatever causes it, I hate it. I hate it especially much today, as it's hot, and I'd love to go and press the buttons to make all my electrically operated windows open, but I don't want that smell to permeate my consciousness.


At Tue Feb 01, 07:34:00 AM GMT+13, Blogger Jessie said...

Haha - I have been thinking of writing about that very same smell! Not because it offends me though, but because whenever I pass by Havana or Cafe L'Affare and smell the roasting coffee, I'm always reminded of Dunedin. I lived pretty close to the factory for a couple of years. Since I don't drink coffee, I guess I don't distinguish between cheapo instant and the real thing.

At Tue Feb 01, 10:31:00 AM GMT+13, Blogger limegreen said...

We lived pretty close to there for a while (end of Dundas). Where were you?

At Tue Feb 01, 11:24:00 AM GMT+13, Anonymous Anonymous said...

As much as I love coffee, I have discovered that roasting coffee actually doesn't smell that great. The finished product is of course fantastic, but there is something about the coffee roasting smell which always leaves me a little disappointed.

At Tue Feb 01, 11:27:00 AM GMT+13, Blogger limegreen said...

I'm not sure that I know what coffee roasting smells like, but as you can guess, the instant coffee plant smells b* awful!

MMmmmmm aaaah coffffffeeeeeee

At Tue Feb 01, 10:33:00 PM GMT+13, Blogger Barry said...

When I'm in the right part of town and remember, I quite like going into Mazagran - their smell of roasting coffee is so much better than that coming from the Greggs factory.

At Wed Feb 02, 10:42:00 AM GMT+13, Blogger limegreen said...

Mazagran is cool. Drinking some of their Brique Haus at home at the moment. But I'm almost never in that part of town when they are open...

At Thu Feb 03, 09:02:00 AM GMT+13, Blogger Jessie said...

First year (98) I had the misfortune of living at Unicol (don't hold it against me, I was naive) and in my fifth year (02) I lived on St David St opposite Agnew. Back in the heart of studentsville, all couch-burning (yawn) and sheep carcasses... well, there's a story!

I lived across the road from Mazagran in 2001.


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